
Dr Raymond Roberts
Consultant physicist

Dr Raymond Roberts
Consultant physicist

Completed Projects


Washington State University Wood Composites Symposium

Presented a paper detailing the successful use of Rezex A in reducing resin loading by up to 10% with equal or better physical properties.

Investigated causes and identified solutions of serious chipout and machinability problems in a large continuous particleboard plant in Brazil.


Rezex A trials to reduce resin usage

Two successful large scale trials were run in continuous particleboard plants in Europe and one in Thailand using Rezex A and through manipulation of PAL type blender settings, resulting in the reduction of resin loading by 10% with no reduction in physical property values and increases in MOR values. The resultant savings are potentially in the millions of dollars. These trials proved what was shown in successful trials in Australia in 2010. The results of these trials were presented at the Washington State University Wood Composites Symposium in 2012.

Washington State University Wood Composites Symposium

Presented papers on eliminating chipout and improving blending efficiency


Carter Holt Harvey Timber Products employed me to improve blending efficiency in the facility at White Ave, Mt Gambier S.A.

I was employed by Proline Floors to optimise high density fibreboard (HDF) for the manufacture of laminated flooring in China in terms of swell and machinability. A list of specifications was drawn up so that Proline Floors can take their specific requirements to HDF substrate manufacturers. I also optimised paper treating specifications for the decorative overlay.


Employed by Carter Holt Harvey (Panels) to further improve machinability of particleboard at the Gympie site.

As a result of the detailed resin distribution analysis carried out in 2008 for Carter Holt Harvey, full-scale plant trials were undertaken at the Oberon factory using significant changes to the blender setups to improve blending efficiency resulting in better resin distribution leading to improvements to physical properties and reductions in overall board density.


Employed by Carter Holt Harvey (Panels) to conduct a detailed study on resin blending efficiency at all of the particleboard plants of the group, Tumut, Mt Gambier, Oberon and Gympie. This was done to a detailed level by examining resin distribution at a flake level for both core and surface as opposed to the standard Kjeldahl analysis commonly used.


Employed by Green River Panels Songkhla Thailand to improve the efficiency of the whole particleboard production line. Results to date include improved blending efficiency resulting in improved bending strength properties and reduced levels of dust and resin marks. This work is ongoing.


Consultant for Carter Holt Harvey Panels (Gympie) to improve machinability of LPM particleboard. Gympie board was unusable on flat bed routers. The cause of the problem was found, to be ineffective blending and was more prevalent on the local species used. This was identified through the use of SEM, light microscopy and the use of a goniometer at ANU. It was caused by high interfacial energies between the resin and the surface of the flake. A solution was found using pre-treatment of the flake as well as modifying the resin. There was no additional capital expenditure required. The board is now as good as any board in Australia. Savings to Carter Holt Harvey of $6m per year were realised. I will include photos for this


Employed by the Just Bench Group in Queensland to improve the efficiency of the pressing of high-pressure laminates onto particleboard substrates to produce benchtops. This also involved optimising the post-forming of the laminate after pressing. As a result there has been a large reduction in the generation of defective product. The work involved determining the interfacial energy between the resin and the substrate and optimising it to improve resin efficiency.


Employed by the Rexcel C.A. Zitacuaro Mich Mexico to solve machinability issues, white spots on dark coloured laminates, and to improve the general efficiencies of the impregnation line, laminating presses and the particleboard press.


Optimising treating operations at Carter Holt Harvey facilities at White Avenue Mt Gambier and in Tumut including introduction of high solids UF impregnation resins. Redesigning specifications for decor papers resulting in a significant reduction of downgrade and cost savings of over $500,000 per year. I will include photos for this.

For references from completed projects please contact me.